ID Scheda #2044

Tipo di risorsa
Italo Calvino
O'Brien, John
Luogo di pubblicazione
Elmwood Park, Ill.
Data di pubblicazione
giugno 1986 - settembre 1986
numero speciale di «The Review of Contemporary Fiction», 2
Paese di pubblicazione
Stati Uniti

Spogli (19 schede)

  • Mathews, Harry, La Camera Ardente, pp. 7-10
  • Varsava, Jerry A., Calvino's Combinative Aesthetics. Theory And Practice, pp. 11-18
  • Friedman Thompson, Sorel, T Zero: Italo Calvino's Minimalist Narratives, pp. 19-23
  • Joseph, John Earl, Man, History, Subject, Object Calvino In Crisis, pp. 24-30
  • Ricci, Franco, The Recovery Of Mnemonic Meaning In L'entrata In Guerra, pp. 31-37
  • La Polla, Franco, A Note On Marcovaldo, pp. 38-41
  • Byrne, Jack, Calvino's Fantastic Ancestors. The Viscount, The Baron And The Knight, pp. 42-53
  • Guardiani, Francesco, Optimism Without Illusions, pp. 54-61
  • Stephens, Michael, Italo Calvino: A Woman, A Moon, The City, pp. 62-70
  • Hume, Kathryn, Calvino's Framed Narrations Writers, Readers, And Reality, pp. 70-79
  • Motte, Warren, Calvino's Combinatorics, pp. 81-87
  • James, Carol P., The Fragmentation Of Allegory In Calvino's Invisible Cities, pp. 88-94
  • Marello, Laura, Form And Formula In Calvino's Invisible Cities, pp. 95-100
  • Green, Geoffrey, Ghosts And Shadows: Reading And Writing In Italo Calvino's If On A Winter's Night A Traveler, pp. 101-105
  • Malmgren, Carl D., Romancing The Reader: Calvino's If On A Winter's Night A Traveler, pp. 106-116
  • Olds, Marshall C., Another Book, Another Author: Calvino, Flaubert, Mallarmé, pp. 117-123
  • Rankin, Ian, The Role Of The Reader In Italo Calvino's If On A Winter's Night A Traveler, pp. 124-129
  • Pierce, Constance, Calvino On Photography, pp. 130-137
  • Scalise, Gregorio, The Game Of Palomar, pp. 138-145