ID Scheda #1651
- Sezione
- Critica
- Tipo di risorsa
- libro
- Titolo
- Image, Eye and Art in Calvino. Writing Visibility
- Curatore
- Grundtvig, Birgitte; McLaughlin, Martin; Waage Petersen, Lene
- Luogo di pubblicazione
- London [Londra]
- Editore
- Modern Humanities Research Association
- Data di pubblicazione
- 2007
- Pagine
- 305
- 978-1-904350-59-0
- Lingua
- inglese
- Paese di pubblicazione
- Regno Unito
Spogli (23 schede)
Calvino, Esther Singer, Le Square, pp. 1-2
Grundtvig, Birgitte; McLaughlin, Martin; Waage Petersen, Lene, Introduction, pp. 3-10
Belpoliti, Marco, Calvino's Colours, pp. 12-25
McLaughlin, Martin, Colours, Landscapes and the Senses in Difficult Loves, pp. 26-47
Hagen, Margarethe, The Visual in Cosmicomics: Myth and Classical Rhetoric, pp. 48-59
Porro, Mario, Images and Scientific Knowledge in Calvino, pp. 60-75
Jansen, Hanne, Recreating Visibility in Literary Translation: How to Code Space in Italian and Danish, pp. 76-88
Waage Petersen, Lene, The Significance of Visibility: Interpreting the Image in Calvino, pp. 89-105
Hofstadter, Douglas, Innanzi Tutto, Aprire Leggermente, Ovvero... Contemplations About Language: Verbosities, Infelicities, Nonsensicalities, Oddities, pp. 108-121
Bartezzaghi, Stefano, Calvino at Play: Rules and Games for Writing in Space, pp. 122-140
Calvo Montoro, María José, The Dizzying Gaze: Calvino's Thesis, the First Novel, and Conrad as a Model of Visibilit, pp. 141-151
Scarpa, Domenico, 'From the Vantage Point of Hindsight': Viewing Calvino's Landscape, pp. 152-170
Grundtvig, Birgitte, Leaning from the Steep Slope..: The Fal of the Cartographic Eye in Calvino's Late Works, pp. 171-184
Skov, Martin; Stjernfelt, Frederik, Paulson, Olaf B., Language and the Brain's 'Mental Cinema', pp. 185-200
Barenghi, Mario, From Picasso to Dürer: Calvino's Book Covers, pp. 202-210
Battistini, Andrea, Italo Calvino and the Fantastic Iconology of Cartoons, pp. 212-229
Musarra-Schrøder, Ulla, The Photographic Image: Calvino 'in Dialogue' with Barthes, Sontag, and Baudrillard, pp. 230-243
Fryd, Annette, Ekphrasis: The Problem of Representing Visual Art in the Works of Italo Calvino and Per Hojholt, pp. 244-252
Lund, Hans, Signs and Visuality in Italo Calvino's Narratives, pp. 253-259
Ricci, Franco, Calvino and Klee: Variations of Line, pp. 260-270
Calvino, Italo, The Painter of Absence, pp. 278-284
Calvino, Italo, The Arrow in the Mind: A Review of 'The Mechanism of Meaning', pp. 285-288
Heltoft, Ulrik, Calvino's Flat in Rome: An Imagined Space, pp. 289-298