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Risultati 201–250 di 259 totali | Nuova ricerca

Chowenhill, Dennis C.
Invisible Cities
Fa parte di: Cyclopedia of Literary Characters, IV, New York, Salem Press, 2015, pp. 1218-1218
[Critica / parte di libro]
Briziarelli, Susan
The Path to the Nest of Spiders
Fa parte di: Cyclopedia of Literary Characters, IV, New York, Salem Press, 2015, p. 1852
[Critica / parte di libro]
Seger, Monica
Economic Expansion, Environmental Awareness in the Early Works of Italo Calvino
Fa parte di: Landscapes in Between: Environmental Change in Modern Italian Literature and Film, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2015, pp. 24-49
[Critica / parte di libro]
Baldi, Elio
Italo Calvino and Science Fiction. A Little Explored Reading
Fa parte di: Calvino’s Combinational Creativity, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, p. 41–61
[Critica / parte di libro]
Agostini, Caterina
Communicating Across Cultures. The Case of Primo Levi, Italo Calvino, and Pliny the Elder
Fa parte di: Translation, Globalization and Translocation. The Classroom and Beyond, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 63-77
[Critica / parte di libro]
Anderson, Helen
Transformations in the giallo. Italo Calvino's Metafictional Anti-Detective Novel Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore (1979)
Fa parte di: Bonsaver, Guido; Richardson, Brian; Stellardi, Giuseppe, Cultural Reception, Translation and Transformation from Medieval to Modern Italy. Essays in Honour of Martin McLaughlin, Legenda Books, 2017, pp. 315-330
[Critica / parte di libro]
Comparini, Alberto
Calvino, Ovid, and the «Metamorphoses». A reading of «Le cosmicomiche» (1965)
Fa parte di: Ovid's Metamorphoses in Twentieth-Century. Italian Literature, Heidelberg, Universitatsverlag WINTER Heidelberg, 2018, pp. 257-276
[Critica / parte di libro]
Psarra, Sophia
Story-craft. The imagination as combinatorial machine in Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities
Fa parte di: Venice Variations. Tracing the Architectural Imagination, Londra, UCL Press, 2018, pp. 139-173
[Critica / parte di libro]
McLaughlin, Martin
Calvino, Eco and the Transmission of World Literature
Fa parte di: Transmissions of Memory. Echoes, Traumas, and Nostalgia in Post–World War II Italian Culture, Vancouver, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2018, pp. 3-19
[Critica / parte di libro]
Sanna, Salvatore Aldo
The Hybrid «Biocitizen» In Italo Calvino’s «Marcovaldo, Or The Seasons In The City»
Fa parte di: Ecocritical Approaches to Italian Culture and Literature., Lanham, Lexington, 2018, p. 31–42
[Critica / parte di libro]
Bryant, Jan
Encounter One. Pier Paolo Pasolini and Italo Calvino
Fa parte di: Artmaking in the age of global capitalism: visual practices, philosophy, politics, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2019, pp. 42-45
[Critica / parte di libro]
Barnett, Dan
Mr. Palomar by Italo Calvino
Fa parte di: Salem Press Encyclopedia of Literature, III, New Jersey, Salem Press, 2019, p. 1642
[Critica / parte di libro]
Dellacasa, Claudia
Italo Calvino in Japan, Japan in Italo Calvino
Fa parte di: Exchanges and Parallels between Italy and East Asia, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020, pp. 61-79
[Critica / parte di libro]
Calvino, Italo
[Lettera Al Sindaco di Grosseto - Castiglione della Pescaia 25 luglio 1979]
Fa parte di: Pollock, Adam, A heap of stones. The story of Batignano and how it got there, London, Brown Dog Books, 2020, pp. 384-386
[Scritti / parte di libro]
Todorović, Jelena
Spaces of A-Temporal in Calvino's «Invisible Cities»
Fa parte di: Houses of the Mind Architectural Space and the Imagination, London [Londra], Springer Publishing, 2020, pp. 131-146
[Critica / parte di libro]
Botta, Anna, Re, Lucia
Introduction. Molteplicità del possible. Italo Calvino’s Memos Between the Old and the New Millennium
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 16
[Critica / parte di libro]
Scarpa, Domenico
Calvino Makes The Shell
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 18
[Critica / parte di libro]
Frau, Ombretta
Italo Calvino's Lecture at Mount Holyoke College. Description and the Future of Literature
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 21
[Critica / parte di libro]
Pedullà, Gabriele
Italo Calvino. Communist
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 7
[Critica / parte di libro]
Cantor, Sarah S.V.
Epic Halves, Epic Doubles. Calvino, Tasso, and the Self-Reflecting Enemy
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 10
[Critica / parte di libro]
Kumar, Akash
Il perché del gioco. Chess and Medievalism in Calvino’s Le città invisibili and Lezioni americane
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 14
[Critica / parte di libro]
Jansen, Laura
Lightness and the Future of Antiquity in Lezioni americane
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 24
[Critica / parte di libro]
Rushing, Robert A.
A Jazz Cosmicomics: Geometry, Perversion, Resonance
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 18
[Critica / parte di libro]
Di Bianco, Laura
Calvino and Cinema. Revisiting a Difficult Love, in Dialogue with Duccio Chiarini about his Documentary, “Italo Calvino, lo scrittore sugli alberi”
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 19
[Critica / parte di libro]
Chiesa, Laura
Un re in ascolto: Luciano Berio and Italo Calvino's Collaboration as a Memory of the Future
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 18
[Critica / parte di libro]
Antonello, Pierpaolo
A Calvinian character. Bruno Munari’s Six Memos for this Millennium
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 19
[Critica / parte di libro]
Snyder, Jon
Un luogo della pura rappresentazione. Theater and Architecture in Italo Calvino’s Lezioni americane (Six Memos for the Next Millennium) and Aldo Rossi's Quaderni azzurri (Blue Notebooks)
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 15
[Critica / parte di libro]
Harris, Paul
The Petriverse of Italo Calvino
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 19
[Critica / parte di libro]
Woods, Gioia
“The scope of an epigram”. Quickness, Magic, and Marcovaldo’s Environmental Eye
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 13
[Critica / parte di libro]
Brock, Geoffrey
Tuning In. On Retranslating Quotations
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 7
[Critica / parte di libro]
Sherazi, Melanie Masterton
Italo Calvino’s Earliest Translations into English by Rome-Based African American Translator and Editor Ben Johnson
Fa parte di: Calvino's Memos. Between the Old and the New Millennium, San Diego, University of California, 2023, p. 9
[Critica / parte di libro]
Calvino, Italo
The Universal Point
Fa parte di: Barenghi, Mario, Favoloso Calvino. Il mondo come opera d'arte. Carpaccio, de Chirico, Gnoli, Melotti e gli altri, Milano, Electa, 2023, p. 183
[Scritti / parte di libro]
Baldi, Elio; Schwartz, Cecilia
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 1-20
[Critica / parte di libro]
Guerini, Andréia
Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities in Brazil: A Bridge Between Literature and Other Fields
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 23-37
[Critica / parte di libro]
Garbarino, Sandra
Invisible Cities in France: The Values of the Six Memos in the French Translation and Retranslation
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 38-56
[Critica / parte di libro]
Baldi, Elio; Pennings, Linda
Calvino’s Invisible Cities in the Netherlands and Flanders: (In)visibilities in Translation and Reception
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 57-79
[Critica / parte di libro]
Jardón Herrera, Rodrigo; Longhitano, Sabina
Strategic Occidentalism in Mexico: Comparing Two Translations of Invisible Cities in the Context of the Generación de Medio siglo
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 80-101
[Critica / parte di libro]
Badelita, Corina-Gabriela
Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities in Romania. A Pulviscular Presence
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 102-120
[Critica / parte di libro]
Jansen, Hanne; Schwartz, Cecilia
Invisible Cities in Scandinavia: Editorial Journeys, Migrant Signs, and Paratextual Loops
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 123-142
[Critica / parte di libro]
Sicari, Ilaria
Unpublished Cities in the USSR: The Soviet Critical Reception of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities (1973-1991)
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 143-164
[Critica / parte di libro]
Pesaro, Nicoletta
Italo Calvino and Invisible Cities in China: A Narrative Wonder
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 165-184
[Critica / parte di libro]
Kłos, Anita
Invisible Cities in Poland. A Journey Through Languages and Memory
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 185-208
[Critica / parte di libro]
Cervelli, Filippo; Dellacasa, Claudia
Invisible Cities in Japan: Fluid Resonances in Architecture and Literature
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 211-227
[Critica / parte di libro]
Sarıçayır, Ecem
Calvino Travels to the East: Invisible Cities, Open Architecture, and Orientalism
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 228-244
[Critica / parte di libro]
Fiordilino, Irene
Invisible Cities: a Performative Adaptation
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 245-255
[Critica / parte di libro]
Acava, Valentina
A Rhizomatic Acrostic in Africa through Calvino’s Invisible Cities
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 256-275
[Critica / parte di libro]
De Clario, Domenico
A Calvinian Architecture: An Italian-Born Artist Living in Australia
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 276-289
[Critica / parte di libro]
Palermitano, Andrea
An Italian perspective on the travels of Le città invisibili in the world
Fa parte di: Circulation, Translation and Reception Across Borders. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities Around the World, New York; Abingdon, Routledge, 2023, pp. 290-302
[Critica / parte di libro]
Antonello, Pierpaolo; Josi, Mara; Maniero, Nicole
Fa parte di: Italo Calvino: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives, 2023, pp. 151-154
[Critica / parte di libro]
Maiolani, Michele
Autobiography as Self-Ethnography in Italo Calvino’s «La poubelle agréée»
Fa parte di: Italo Calvino: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives, 2023, pp. 155-168
[Critica / parte di libro]

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