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Risultati 151–200 di 259 totali | Nuova ricerca

Cannon, JoAnn
Italo Calvino (1923-1985)
Fa parte di: Encyclopedia of italian literary studies, New York, Routledge, 2007, pp. 343-347
[Critica / parte di libro]
Cannon, JoAnn
I Nostri Antenati, 1960
Fa parte di: Encyclopedia of italian literary studies, New York, Routledge, 2007, pp. 347-349
[Critica / parte di libro]
Cannon, JoAnn
Le Cosmicomiche, 1965
Fa parte di: Encyclopedia of italian literary studies, New York, Routledge, 2007, pp. 349-350
[Critica / parte di libro]
Cannon, JoAnn
Se Una Notte D'inverno Un Viaggiatore, 1979
Fa parte di: Encyclopedia of italian literary studies, New York, Routledge, 2007, p. 350
[Critica / parte di libro]
Bertoni, Roberto
Italo Calvino's Irish microcosm
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 11-20
[Critica / parte di libro]
Cosgrove, Ciaran
Catoptrics, kaleidoscopes ans «Is there ever a beginning or an end?» Calvino, Beckett and Borges
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 21-30
[Critica / parte di libro]
Fanning, Ursula
Calvino and Roddy Doyle: Undoing notions of heroism
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 31-46
[Critica / parte di libro]
McLaughlin, Martin
Calvino and Joyce on the beach: The story of a conversion
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 47-64
[Critica / parte di libro]
Campbell Ross, Ian
The wrinting master's ruler: Straiht lines and digressions in the fiction of Laurence Sterne and Italo Calvino
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 65-80
[Critica / parte di libro]
Sperati, Elisa
Words, silence, Calvino and Beckett
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 81-90
[Critica / parte di libro]
Vannini, Simona
Flann O'Brien and Italo Calvino: The author as a multiple self
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 91-114
[Critica / parte di libro]
Barry, Kevinn
Why read the classics?
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 115-118
[Critica / parte di libro]
Bertoni, Roberto; Campbell Ross, Ian
Challenging the labyrinth
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 119-122
[Critica / parte di libro]
Carson, Ciaran
From both sides of the track
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 123-126
[Critica / parte di libro]
Heaney, Seamus
Italo Calvino's Mr Palomar
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 143-148
[Critica / parte di libro]
Lynch, Brian
Calvino, Coleridge and starvation
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 149-154
[Critica / parte di libro]
Sonzogni, Marco
From militant to hermit: Calvino's «confessions»
Fa parte di: Barry, Kevin; Bertoni, Roberto; Carson, Ciaràn, Twenty years after. An «Irish» Calvino?, Torino, Trauben, 2007, pp. 155-158
[Critica / parte di libro]
Colclasure, David
Habermas and the Genre-Distinction between Philosophy and Literature
Fa parte di: Über Gegenwartsliteratur. Interpretationen und Interventionen/About Contemporary Literature. Interpretations and Interventions, Bielefeld, Aisthesis, 2008, pp. 123-139
[Critica / parte di libro]
Bolongaro, Eugenio
Italo Calvino And The Role Of The Intellectual: Autobiography In Fiction
Fa parte di: Creative Intervention: The Role Of Intellectuals In Contemporary Italy, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 115-140
[Critica / parte di libro]
Twangilimana, Aimable
Italo Calvino's If On A Winter's Night A Traveler And The Labyrinth
Fa parte di: The Labyrinth, New York, NY, Bloom's Literary Criticism, 2009, pp. 81-92
[Critica / parte di libro]
Alliata, Michela Vanon
Stevenson, Calvino and All the Devils in Italy
Fa parte di: European Stevenson, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 211-223
[Critica / parte di libro]
Armellino, Elisa
Italo Calvino's The Baron in the Trees and Kiran Desai's Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard. A Comparative Analysis
Fa parte di: Critical Responses to Kiran Desai, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd., 2009, pp. 74-85
[Critica / parte di libro]
Beer, Marina
Primo Levi and Italo Calvino: two parallel literary lives
Fa parte di: New reflections on Primo Levi. Before and after Auschwitz, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. 103-116
[Critica / parte di libro]
Clouther, Kevin
Sant'Elia's Invisible Cities
Fa parte di: Futurismo. Impact and Legacy, NE New York, Forum Italicum Publishing, 2011, pp. 47-52
[Critica / parte di libro]
De Pau, Daniela
Calvino, the Fairytale, and Two Stories for Children
Fa parte di: Critical Insights. The Fantastic, New York, Salem Press, 2012, pp. 235-252
[Critica / parte di libro]
Barth, John
The Parallels! Italo Calvino and Jorge Luis Borges
Fa parte di: Final Fridays. Essays, Lectures, Tributes and Other Non-fiction, 1995-, Stati Uniti, Counterpoint, 2012
[Critica / parte di libro]
Dini, Andrea
Calvino And The Internet
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 7-14
[Critica / parte di libro]
Bolongaro, Eugenio
The Figure Of The Intellectual In Calvino's Early Fiction
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 23-30
[Critica / parte di libro]
Cannon, JoAnn
Calvino's Essay
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 31-36
[Critica / parte di libro]
Raffa, Guy P.
Calvino's Scientific Humanism
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 37-41
[Critica / parte di libro]
Botta, Anna
Open Encyclopedias: Teaching Calvino's Works From A Comparative Perspective
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 42-49
[Critica / parte di libro]
Capozzi, Rocco
From Fiction To Theories: Calvino's Art Of Narration And Literary Theories
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 50-53
[Critica / parte di libro]
Lollini, Massimo
Autobiography, History, And Writing In Calvino: Toward An Ethics Of The Subject
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 59-68
[Critica / parte di libro]
Chang, Natasha V.
Why Read Calvino? What We Tell Our Italian Language And Literature Students
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 69-73
[Critica / parte di libro]
Rushing, Robert
Readerly Expectations. Identification And Fantasy In Calvino's Experimental Fiction
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 69-73
[Critica / parte di libro]
Lazzaro-Weiss, Carol
Reading Calvino's Women
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 74-82
[Critica / parte di libro]
Cozzarelli, Julia M.
Reading, Writing, Desire, And Closure: Teaching Calvino To Undergraduates In Italian
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 90-94
[Critica / parte di libro]
Gagliano, Rita
Teaching Il Castello Dei Destini Incrociati. An Intuitive Approach
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 95-97
[Critica / parte di libro]
Guarnieri, Giulia
Calvino, Translation, And Translatability
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 99-105
[Critica / parte di libro]
Domini, John
Teaching Calvino In Creative Writing Classes
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 106-114
[Critica / parte di libro]
Francese, Joseph
Using Mr.Palomar To Question Received Truths In A General Education Coursein The Humanities
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 115-119
[Critica / parte di libro]
Rogers, Susan
Through The Eyes Of Another: Text As Visual Representation
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 120-124
[Critica / parte di libro]
Basford, Douglas
Then She Saw The Surprise: Teaching Writing With Six Memos For The Next Millennium And Difficult Loves
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, pp. 134-139
[Critica / parte di libro]
Swinford, Dean
The Invisible Monster Calvino And The Contemporary City
Fa parte di: Approaches to Teaching The Works of Italo Calvino, New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2013, p. 164
[Critica / parte di libro]
Duman, Alberto
The Future as a Virus in the Midst of Our Waste
Fa parte di: Aesthetic Fatigue. Modernity and the Language of Waste, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 119-137
[Critica / parte di libro]
Diazzi, Alessandra
The Symptoms of Desire. Psychoanalytic Echoes in Calvino's Short Stories
Fa parte di: The Fire Within. Desire in Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp. 166-189
[Critica / parte di libro]
Scappettone, Jennifer
Fabulous Planning: Unbuilt Venices
Fa parte di: Killing The Moonlight: Modernism In Venice, New York, Columbia University Press, 25 novembre 2014, pp. 260-314
[Critica / parte di libro]
Woods, Gioia
Once Upon A Time In Ombrosa: Italo Calvino And The Fabulist Pastoral
Fa parte di: The Green Thread : Dialogues With The Vegetal World, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2015, pp. 165-181
[Critica / parte di libro]
Chowenhill, Dennis C.
The Castle of Crossed Destinies
Fa parte di: Cyclopedia of Literary Characters, IV, New York, Salem Press, 2015, pp. 375-376
[Critica / parte di libro]
Chowenhill, Dennis C.
The Baron in the Trees
Fa parte di: Cyclopedia of Literary Characters, IV, New York, Salem Press, 2015, pp. 186-187
[Critica / parte di libro]

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