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Risultati 51–100 di 166 totali | Nuova ricerca

Ozick, Cynthia
Metaphor & Memory: Essays
A cura di: Alfred A. Knopf
New York, Vintage, 1989
[Critica / libro]
Calvino Revisited
A cura di: Ricci, Franco
Ottawa, Dovehouse Editions, 1989 (University of Toronto Italian studies, 2)
[Critica / libro]
Italian Storytellers
A cura di: Haywood, Eric; O' Cuilleanàin, Cormac
Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 1989 (Publications of the Foundation for Italian studies, University college Dublin, 6)
[Critica / libro]
Moving in Measure. Essays in Honour of Brian Moloney
A cura di: Bryce, Judith; Thompson, Doug
Hull, Hull UP, 1989
[Critica / libro]
Ricci, Franco
Difficult Games. A Reading of «I racconti» by Italo Calvino
Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1990
[Critica / libro]
Re, Lucia
Calvino and the Age of Neorealism. Fables of Estrangement
Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1990
[Critica / libro]
Space and Boundaries. Espace et Frontières. München 1988 Munich, V
A cura di: Bauer, Roger; Fokkema, Douwe
München, Iudicium Verlag, 1990 (Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association. Actes du XIIe Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée)
[Critica / libro]
Italiana 1987. Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Italian
A cura di: Mancini, Albert N.; Giordano, Paolo A.
River Forest, Rosary College, 1990 (Rosary college Italian studies, 2)
[Critica / libro]
Storytelling in contemporary societies
A cura di: Röhrich, Lutz; Wienker-Piepho, Sabine
Tubingen, Narr, 1990 (ScriptOralia, 22)
[Critica / libro]
Hume, Kathryn
Calvino's Fictions. Cogito And Cosmos
Oxford New York, Clarendon Press, 1992
[Critica / libro]
Marshall, Brenda K.
Teaching The Postmodern: Fiction And Theory
New York, Routledge, 1992
[Critica / libro]
Riflessi e riflessioni: Italian reflections
A cura di: The Italian Discipline, The Flinders University of South Australia
Adelaide, The Italian Discipline, the Flinders University of South Australia, 1992
[Critica / libro]
Weiss, Beno
Understanding Italo Calvino
Columbia, University of South Carolina, 1993 (Understanding modern European and Latin American literature)
[Critica / libro]
Biasin, Gian Paolo
The Flavors Of Modernity : Food And The Novel
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1993
[Critica / libro]
Gabriele-Smith, Tommasina
Italo Calvino. Eros and Language
Rutherford London, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1994
[Critica / libro]
Gabriele, Tommasina
Italo Calvino. Eros and Language
Rutheford, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1994
[Critica / libro]
Bruce, Donald; Purdy, Anthony
Literature and Science
Atlanta, Rodopi, 1994 (Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature, 14)
[Critica / libro]
Eco, Umberto
Six walks in the fictional woods
Cambridge; London, Harvard University Press, 1994 (The Charles Eliot Norton lectures)
[Scritti / libro]
Dombroski, Robert S.
Properties of Writing. Ideological Discourse in Modern Italian Fiction
London Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995
[Critica / libro]
Feinstein, Wiley
Humility's Deceit. Calvino Reading Ariosto Reading Calvino
West Lafayette, IN, Bordighera, 1995 (Via folios, 3)
[Critica / libro]
Steinmetz, David Curtis
Calvin in context
New York Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995
[Critica / libro]
Oulipo Laboratory. Texts from the Bibliothèque Oulipienne
A cura di: Raymond Queneau
London, Atlas, 1995
[Critica / libro]
The force of vision : ICLA'91 Tokyo/proceedings of the XIIIth congress of the international comparative literature association. 3, Powers of narration
A cura di: Gillespie, Gerald; Ibsch, Elrud; Lorant, André; Peer, Will van
Tokyo, International comparative literature association, University of Tokyo Press, 1995
[Critica / libro]
Approaches To Teaching Kafka's Short Fiction
A cura di: Gray, Richard T.
New York, Modern Language Association of America, 1995 (Approaches to teaching world literature, 51)
[Critica / libro]
Motte, Warren
Playtexts. Ludics in Contemporary Literature. (Gombrowicz, Nabokov, Sarrazin, Perec, Calvino, Eco)
Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 28 aprile 1995
[Critica / libro]
Lucente, Gregory L.
Italian Criticism: Literature And Culture
Ann Arbor, Mich., Michigan Romance Studies, 1996 (Michigan Romance studies, 16)
[Critica / libro]
Slusser, George Edgar; Rabkin, Eric S.; Westfahl, Gary
Immortal Engines: Life Extension And Immortality In Science Fiction And Fantasy
Athens Ga., University of Georgia Press, 1996
[Critica / libro]
Oulipo. A Primer of Potential Literature
A cura di: Motte, Warren
Champaign, Dalkey Archive Press, 1997
[Critica / libro]
Semiotics around the World. Synthesis in Diversity, I-II
A cura di: Rauch, Irmengard; Carr, Gerald F.
Mouton de Gruyter; Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 1997
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Chubb, Stephen
I, Writer, I, Reader: the Concept of Self in the Fiction of Italo Calvino
Market Harborough, Troubador Publishing, 1997
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
McLaughlin, Martin
Italo Calvino
Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1998 (Writers of Italy series)
[Critica / libro]
Oulipo Compendium
A cura di: Mathews, Harry; Brotchie, Alastair
London, Atlas, 1998 (Atlas arkhive series, 6)
[Critica / libro]
Markey, Constance
Italo Calvino: A Journey Toward Postmodernism
Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 1999 (Crosscurrents)
[Critica / libro]
De Petris, Carla; D'Alessandro, Jean Ellis; Fantaccini, Fiorenzo
The Cracked Lookingglass. Contribution to the Study of Irisch Literature
Roma, Bulzoni, 1999 (Biblioteca di cultura, 579)
[Critica / libro]
Bloom, Harold
How to read and Why
New York, Scribner, 2000
[Critica / libro]
Jeannet, Angela M.
Under the Radiant Sun and the Crescent Moon. Italo Calvino's storytelling
Toronto Buffalo London, University of Toronto Press, 2000 (Toronto Italian studies)
[Critica / libro]
West, Rebecca J.
Gianni Celati. The Craft of Everyday Storytelling
Toronto Buffalo London, University of Toronto Press, 2000
[Critica / libro]
Nocentini, Claudia
Italo Calvino and the Landscape of Childhood
Londra, Routledge, 2000
[Critica / libro]
Telling the Stories of America. History, Literature, and the Arts
A cura di: Clericuzio, Alessandro; Goldoni, Annalisa; Mariani, Andrea
Roma, Nuova Arnica editrice, 2000
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Calvino, Italo
Sei appunti per il millennio. Six memos for the millennium
Consiglio per le relazioni fra Italia e Stati Uniti, 2001
[Opere / libro]
Gass, William H.
Tests of Time
New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2002
[Critica / libro]
Literary philophers. Borges, Calvino, Eco
A cura di: Gracia, Jorge J.E.; Korsmeyer, Carolyn; Gasché, Rodolphe
New York, Routledge, 2002
[Critica / libro]
Postmodernism: The Key Figures
A cura di: Bertens, Hans; Natoli, Joseph
Oxford, Blackwell, 2002
[Critica / libro]
The Iconography of the Fantastic
A cura di: Kiss, Attila; Baróti-Gaál, Marta; Szönyi, György Endre
Szeged, University of Szeged, 2002
[Critica / libro]

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