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Tipo di risorsa = libro; Lingua = inglese
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Ordina per:
Pacifici, Sergio
A Guide To Contemporary Italian Literature, From Futurism To Neorealism
Cleveland, World Pub. Co., 1962 (Meridian books, M122)
A Guide To Contemporary Italian Literature, From Futurism To Neorealism
Cleveland, World Pub. Co., 1962 (Meridian books, M122)
[Critica / libro]
Italian Short Stories I. Racconti Italiani
A cura di: Trevelyan, Raleigh
Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin, 1965 (Penguin parallel texts)
A cura di: Trevelyan, Raleigh
Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin, 1965 (Penguin parallel texts)
[Critica / libro]
Gianfranco Baruchello
New York, Cordier & Ekstrom, 1966
New York, Cordier & Ekstrom, 1966
[Scritti / libro]
Authors Take Sides on Vietnam. Two questions on the war in Vietnam answered by the authors of several nations
A cura di: Bagguley, John; Woolf, Cecil
London [Londra], Peter Owen, 1967
A cura di: Bagguley, John; Woolf, Cecil
London [Londra], Peter Owen, 1967
[Scritti / libro]
Woodhouse, John R.
Italo Calvino. A Reappraisal and an Appreciation of the Trilogy
Hull, University of Hull, 1968 (University of Hull publications, 5)
Italo Calvino. A Reappraisal and an Appreciation of the Trilogy
Hull, University of Hull, 1968 (University of Hull publications, 5)
[Critica / libro]
Pacifici, Sergio
A Guide To Contemporary Italian Literature, From Futurism To Neorealism
Carbondale and Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1972 (Arcturus books edition, AB 99)
A Guide To Contemporary Italian Literature, From Futurism To Neorealism
Carbondale and Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1972 (Arcturus books edition, AB 99)
[Critica / libro]
Hayman, David; Rabkin, Eric S.
Form In Fiction: An Introduction To The Analysis Of Narrative Prose
New York, St. Martin's Press, 1974
Form In Fiction: An Introduction To The Analysis Of Narrative Prose
New York, St. Martin's Press, 1974
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Alter, Robert
Partial Magic. The Novel as a Self-Conscious Genre
Berkeley, University of California, 1975
Partial Magic. The Novel as a Self-Conscious Genre
Berkeley, University of California, 1975
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Surfiction: Fiction Now And Tomorrow
A cura di: Federman, Raymond; Kostelanetz, Richard
Chicago, Swallow Press, 1975
A cura di: Federman, Raymond; Kostelanetz, Richard
Chicago, Swallow Press, 1975
[Critica / libro]
A Treasury of Drinking Pleasure. Suntory Fiction and Essays
Tokyo, Suntory Ltd., 15 aprile 1976
Tokyo, Suntory Ltd., 15 aprile 1976
[Scritti / libro]
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Zayas-Bazan, Eduardo; Suarez Manuel Laurentino
The Twenty-Seventh Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference
Research Council of East Tennessee State University, 1978
The Twenty-Seventh Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference
Research Council of East Tennessee State University, 1978
[Critica / libro]
Adler, Sara Maria
Calvino. The Writer as Fablemaker
Potomac, José Porrùa Turanzas, 1979 (Studia humanitatis)
Calvino. The Writer as Fablemaker
Potomac, José Porrùa Turanzas, 1979 (Studia humanitatis)
[Critica / libro]
Survey of Science Fiction Literature, V
A cura di: Magill, Frank N.
Englewood Cliffs, Salem Press, 1979
A cura di: Magill, Frank N.
Englewood Cliffs, Salem Press, 1979
[Critica / libro]
Hutcheon, Linda
Narcissistic Narrative: The Metafictional Paradox
Waterloo, Ontario New York, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1980 (5)
Narcissistic Narrative: The Metafictional Paradox
Waterloo, Ontario New York, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1980 (5)
[Critica / libro]
Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature
New York, Columbia University Press, 1980
New York, Columbia University Press, 1980
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
[Scritti / libro]
Oiken, Ilene T.
With Pleated Eye and Garnet Wing. Symmetries of Italo Calvino
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1984
With Pleated Eye and Garnet Wing. Symmetries of Italo Calvino
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1984
[Critica / libro]
Tani, Stefano
The Doomed Detective. The Contribution of the Detective Novel to Postmodern American & Italian Fiction
Carbondale Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1984
The Doomed Detective. The Contribution of the Detective Novel to Postmodern American & Italian Fiction
Carbondale Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1984
[Critica / libro]
Olken, I. T.
With Pleated Eye and Garnet Wing. Symmetries of Italo Calvino
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1984
With Pleated Eye and Garnet Wing. Symmetries of Italo Calvino
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1984
[Critica / libro]
Writers & Society in Contemporary Italy. A Contemporary essays
A cura di: Caesar, Michael; Hainsworths, Peter R.
Warwickshire, Berg Publishers, 1984
A cura di: Caesar, Michael; Hainsworths, Peter R.
Warwickshire, Berg Publishers, 1984
[Critica / libro]
Writers and Society in Contemporary Italy
A cura di: Caesar, Michael; Hainsworth, Peter
Leamington Spa, Berg, 1984
A cura di: Caesar, Michael; Hainsworth, Peter
Leamington Spa, Berg, 1984
[Critica / libro]
[Scritti / libro]
Berio, Luciano; Dalmonte, Rossana; Varga, Balint Andras; Osmond-Smith, David
Two interviews. With Rossana Dalmonte and Balint Andras Varga
New York - London, Marion Boyars, 1985
Two interviews. With Rossana Dalmonte and Balint Andras Varga
New York - London, Marion Boyars, 1985
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Biasin, Gian Paolo
Italian Literary Icons
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1985 (Princeton essays in literature)
Italian Literary Icons
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1985 (Princeton essays in literature)
[Critica / libro]
Tesoros de España. Ten centuries of Spanish books
[New York], New York Public Library, 1985
[New York], New York Public Library, 1985
[Scritti / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Lucente, Gregory L.
Beautiful Fables. Self-Consciousness in Italian Narrative from Manzoni to Calvino
Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986
Beautiful Fables. Self-Consciousness in Italian Narrative from Manzoni to Calvino
Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986
[Critica / libro]
Bruner, Jerome S.
Actual Minds, Possible Worlds
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1986 (The Jerusalem-Harvard Lectures)
Actual Minds, Possible Worlds
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1986 (The Jerusalem-Harvard Lectures)
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Oulipo. A Primer of Potential Literature
A cura di: Motte, Warren F.
Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1986
A cura di: Motte, Warren F.
Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1986
[Critica / libro]
Writers & Society in Contemporary Italy. A Contemporary essays
A cura di: Caesar, Michael; Hainsworths, Peter R.
Berg, Leamington, 1986
A cura di: Caesar, Michael; Hainsworths, Peter R.
Berg, Leamington, 1986
[Critica / libro]
[Critica / libro]
Critical Angles: European Views Of Contemporary American Literature
A cura di: Châenetier, Marc
Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1986 (Crosscurrents/modern critiques)
A cura di: Châenetier, Marc
Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1986 (Crosscurrents/modern critiques)
[Critica / libro]
Aspects Of Fantasy: Selected Essays From The Second International Conference On The Fantastic In Literature And Film
A cura di: Coyle, William
Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1986 (Contributions to the study of science fiction and fantasy, 19)
A cura di: Coyle, William
Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1986 (Contributions to the study of science fiction and fantasy, 19)
[Critica / libro]
Italo Calvino
A cura di: O'Brien, John
Elmwood Park, Ill., giugno 1986 - settembre 1986 (numero speciale di «The Review of Contemporary Fiction», 2)
A cura di: O'Brien, John
Elmwood Park, Ill., giugno 1986 - settembre 1986 (numero speciale di «The Review of Contemporary Fiction», 2)
[Critica / libro]
Federico Fellini
Roma, Attività cinematografiche italiane, settembre 1986
Roma, Attività cinematografiche italiane, settembre 1986
[Scritti / libro]
Carter, Albert Howard, III
Italo Calvino. Metamorphoses of Fantasy
Ann Arbor, U.M.I. Research Press, 1987 (Studies in speculative fiction, 13)
Italo Calvino. Metamorphoses of Fantasy
Ann Arbor, U.M.I. Research Press, 1987 (Studies in speculative fiction, 13)
[Critica / libro]
de Lauretis, Teresa
Technologies of gender. Essays on theory, film, and fiction
Bloomington; Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1987 (Theories of representation and difference)
Technologies of gender. Essays on theory, film, and fiction
Bloomington; Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1987 (Theories of representation and difference)
[Critica / libro]
Hutcheon, Linda
Poetics Of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction
London New York, Routledge, 1988 (University paperbacks)
Poetics Of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction
London New York, Routledge, 1988 (University paperbacks)
[Critica / libro]
Everman, Welch D.
Who Says This? The Authority Of The Author, The Discourse, And The Reader
Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1988 (Crosscurrents/modern critiques Third series)
Who Says This? The Authority Of The Author, The Discourse, And The Reader
Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1988 (Crosscurrents/modern critiques Third series)
[Critica / libro]
Telling Stories. A Theoretical Analysis of Narrative Fiction
A cura di: Cohan, Steven
New York; Londra, Routledge, 1988 (New accents)
A cura di: Cohan, Steven
New York; Londra, Routledge, 1988 (New accents)
[Critica / libro]
Italo Calvino a Literary Symposium - Un simposio letterario
New Brunswick, dicembre 1988 - giugno 1989 (numero speciale di «Italian Quarterly», 115-116)
New Brunswick, dicembre 1988 - giugno 1989 (numero speciale di «Italian Quarterly», 115-116)
[Critica / libro]
Cannon, JoAnn
Postmodern Italian Fiction. The Crisis of Reason in Calvino, Eco, Sciascia, Malerba
Rutherford N.J. London, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1989
Postmodern Italian Fiction. The Crisis of Reason in Calvino, Eco, Sciascia, Malerba
Rutherford N.J. London, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1989
[Critica / libro]
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